Hey Codeforces,
summer is coming, so can we try to compile a list of participants of the IOI 2019?
The list can be found here: http://weaselcrow.com/pro/cf/ioi/19/
How to add or update data? Please fill the following form: https://forms.gle/ttDuP3SR7b8pqhxU6
Please note that the data is moderated, so it might take some time for your input to be visible.
Last year's post can be found here: https://codeforces.net/blog/entry/58939
Actually I am not sure that I will qualify this year. So information about me is just someone's joke :)
I'll remove you when I'll be back at home. Still good luck in the national qualifications!
Thank you!
Joke turned out to be true, congrats !
A country must have some really good programmers if nutella people are afraid that they won't make the top4 in their country.
and he is #2 at IOI 2019 lmao
Egypt's team:
Mohammed Ehab: mohammedehab2002
Osama Alkhodairy: Osama_Alkhodairy
Mahmoud Adel: BL7A.
Hazem Tarek: zoooma13
It's better if everyone comments the team so that the post appears in recent action (and because it looks good :3)
Some troller put my name in the list . Could you please remove it ?
You were removed, sorry.
Team Finland:
Team Brazil:
Team India-
Rajarshi Basu RestingRajarshi
Shashwat Chandra shashwatchan
Adhyyan Sekhsaria AsleepAdhyyan
Anay Karnik AwakeAnay
French team:
Team Bangladesh:
Bangladesh IOI team is not yet finalized. Do not mislead people. Also, I can see my name already on the list, kostka could you pls remove that?
You have been removed, sorry.
Contribution Hack:
Tautvydas Jasiūnas: Tutis
Gediminas Lelešius: Gediminas
Justas Želnia: JustasZ
Martynas Sinkievič: Kepperoni
Team Moldova:
You guys go every year from Moldova, can you give chance to other people? Thanks
I'm new.
Funny that you mention it, Moldova actually has the highest persistence of all countries at IMO, with an average of 2.11 participations per student. Wouldn't be surprised if we're in the top at IOI as well.
I really hope miro will not engage in this kind of behavior at IOI...
And I also really hope you and 21August will not engage in this kind of behavior at IOI...
I can't stop somebody from looking at my screen, you know, it's my solution, I didn't submit anyone's solution at the end of the contest. And we both (he has $$$0$$$ points) got rated unlike somebody, so there was no point to mention him too.
So you are against cheating and at the same time you allow other people to just stare at your screen and copy your code character by character ? I hope you won't do that at the IOI. Oh wait..
p.s My behaviour didn't affect anyone. In fact, my rating would have increased and I wanted to remain div2 and used CF's flawed rules to do that. I wouldn't care if it was rated for me and I got 0 points. Btw, I still don't understand why CF doesn't do that to cheaters.
I would care if he didn't submit your code for A before his last submission.
Ok, with this kind of logic, I somehow managed to allow you copy my code and get 30 points on first problem at IOI.
UPD: Sorry Romanian teams, I didn't double-check the content. Thanks arthurconmy for pointing out!
whoops, guess I messed up after reading the Romanian team =))
It was still a good meme, I upvoted :)
Iran's team:
Mehrshad Mirmohammadi MAMBA
Arshia Soltani .ckodser.
Kasra Mazaheri KMAASZRAA
Mahdi Jafari AghaTizi
our team is made from: 2 Grandmasters 1 International master 1 Master our weakest participant is as strong as the best participant of many countrires. we expect at list 2 GOLD MEDAL in IOI . good luck :)
I'm so sorry of that. I just wanted to comment and maybe some upvotes. I didn't think it would be that annoying. Maybe this cause more downvote, but I want to talk some more words. I'm just a kid, please just don't make me cry. :( today I started commenting and I got contribution -2. I'm so depressed by now. I promise I won't write something idiot more. I'm sorry again. Can you help me get my contribution up to 0 again?
Team Turkey :
Mehmet Hamza Erol : Hamzqq9
Cahid Enes Keles : Cahid
Ekrem Bal : ekrem
Baha Eren Yaldiz : Kewo
aga b
Chinese Team:
3 LGM! 4 AU!
Including a youngest-ever one (FizzyDavid).
I heard that one person was in top 4 but is removed from the team. What happened?
The top six take part in the thesis defense, the final four are selected from them.
But matthew99 said the debate is usually irrelevant https://codeforces.net/blog/entry/51462
I wonder if China didn't like that guy
But zhangzy's thesis is obviously not well prepared. He started preparing it at the end of April and it is the shortest one among all theses of the candidates. He even modified the digital version of his thesis after the paper version is printed. And his topic is not a new one (divide and conquer on the tree).
The regulations slightly changes this year. The thesis defense used to be between the two days' contest in the past several years, but this year it took place after the two days' selection. As before, it do matters the result of selection.
Aren't Sunset and TLE the same age as fizzydavid?
sunset and samjia2000 are in Grade 12, TLE and FizzyDavid are in Grade 11.
oh ok, thanks
And FizzyDavid is the first one to be an LGM among them (round 472).
yeah i remember that day.
OK, so China has 3 max LGM team, and Benq, 300iq is all eligible. It will be a fierce IOI :O
Chinese team member list reminds me of an old comment.
It's a pity that a strong country like China only has 4 slots, that even a LGM can't pass the country selection. It's similar to fateice last year.
South African team:
dolphingarlic orz
Team Republic of Korea
I want this kind of coaches...
Think the other way: you can also become this kind of coach yourself for your country :)
That's a bit challenging.
Team Russia:
Ildar Gainullin 300iq
Alexander Morozov scanhex
Vladimir Romanov voidmax
Egor Lifar kiyotaka
Team Japan:
1st place: Koichi Namekata Kmcode
2nd place: Masataka Yoneda E869120
3rd place: Yasutaka Hiraki sheyasutaka (AtCoder)
4th place: Sora Todaka nxteru (AtCoder)
Unfortunately, square1001, ynymxiaolongbao, TAISA_, TMJN failed to elected in IOI Japan team.
Seems like you forgot to mention the coach.
Leader: Takuya Inoue (yokozuna57)
Deputy Leader: Hirotaka Isa (HIR180)
Guest: Ikumi Shimizu (193s)
By the way, congratulations to you and other IOI Team Japan members!
I wanna ask, was WA_TLE not participating in this year's JOI selection?
For WA_TLE, IOI2018 was his last chance. That’s because of age limit. So, he will not participate in IOI2019.
Team Vietnam:
Vu Hoang Kien Merripium
Bui Hong Duc user202729
Nguyen Minh Tung minhtung04042001
Trinh Huu Gia Phuc mir
Serbian team:
Where is Pajaraja??
He got 9th place. You can see the results here.
Kazakhstan Team
Good Luck Boys!
IOI Tajikistan team:
Nodir Bobiev: Nodir_Bobiev
Davlatkhoja Magzumov: quotitquot
Anushervon Bozorov: Zzzzzzz...
Akmal Mamadshoev: NevMiIVD
IOI Earth team:
Coach: ramazon_tj
Team Italy:
Federico FedericoS Stazi
Fabrizio MrBrionix Brioni
Jakob jakob_nogler Nogler
Alessandro bortoz Bortolin
Indonesia team:
Go get gold!!
USA Team:
3's full name should be William Lin. peanutpedo20 is an alt of tmwilliamlin168
tmw, its not possible for you to pretend to be weak. It wouldn't have made sense if you didnt pass the selection.
tmwilliamlin168 is an alt
how do you know? you are only unrated
gamegame, how dare you confuse me with William Lin. His skills are so weak, I can beat him in my sleep. It's no wonder he didn't make IOI.
why u tag me tmw, I dont need further reminder on how smart you are
are you blind? i tagged you, not tmw. thanks, i am very smart.
The USA team has not been finalized.
er just wanted to point out USA team selection contests aren't over yet :thonk:
how do you know? You are only purple
so is eyg smh
eyg has pedo powers
this is false
The US team is: William Lin, Walden Yan, Ethan Guo and Siyong Huang
Benq did not qualify
What the moo?
Benq is more than 300 points ahead of 5th place with one day left, so I'm pretty sure he's guaranteed.
I expected a different team member to have pedo in their username...
Camp19 Day 6 has not occurred on probgate yet, how can you be sure it is final? I remember that the algorithm for team member selection is not published (though I heard 6th day is given double weight). Has that changed?
China Team 2
This is incorrect. The USA team has not been finalized, and furthermore, peanutpedo20 is not in the running.
to clarify what the unrated guy said, peanutpedo20 is an extremely close friend of tmwilliamlin168
USA team
Top 4 after TST != IOI team
You're not real Taiwanese. You are not qualified...
You're not real American. You are not qualified...
orz well-behaved programmer
USA Team was announced a few minutes ago.
Can you provide any source and/or can someone confirm this? I just want to be sure :)
Confirmed :)
I guess 'Impossiblest Of all Impossibilities' became possible!
Good luck on IOI 2019!
But I never said the impossible part was qualifying ;)
The US team usually posts their team in the USACO front page. You can wait until it is posted there to be sure :')
One small mistake. It should be tmwilliamlin168.
Is a geniosity
Team Greece:
Good luck everyone!
The Philippine team has been selected:
man i think i have the lowest rating out of everyone on the list D:
Let's hope I prove you wrong.
Croatian team:
Dorijan Lendvaj : dorijanlendvaj
Krešimir Nežmah : keko37
Pavel Kliska : pavkal5
Patrik Pavić : ppavic
Malaysian Team:
As I remember you were eligible to participate in 2019 and 2020.
So, aren't you selected to the team?
EDIT: Yeah apparently you got a gold medal at this APIO 2019. What is going on?
His priority — IOL > IOI.
Wow, I didn't know there was such Olympiad till today!
zscoder, if you don't mind, can you share the reason for choosing IOL over IOI with us?
Well some people have asked me this, and maybe this doesn't make sense to some people. One of the reasons is that I got a gold last year in IOI but not in IOL, so this year I'm trying for that in the other two. Of course IOI is still the bigger event compared to IOL but it's ok for me, and besides if I am not busy with other stuff I can still join the online mirror for the problems (hopefully) (also maybe I want to visit Korea for IOL? XD).
Post-IOL excursion seems to be fun, especially the second one. Good luck, and have fun in Korea :D
Ya based on results my scores for all contests (and all problems) majorizes the score of everyone else, so it was definitely some other reason.
Ok so this year basically I am still joining IMO and IOL too like last year. However, this year IOL ends 2 days before IOI starts. Technically I can still make it to both, and indeed I have planned to still join all 3 this year.
However, there is a mindsetting camp for the IOI few days before the IOI, which means I definitely can't attend since I will be at IOL. Then there was some voting about whether people who don't attend the camp like me can get to attend IOI (in 2017, I actually came back early from IMO just to attend the camp because it was compulsory, though I think one of our team members didn't attend on the first day or so because of other events anyway). Anyway, in the end this lead to the following set of team members.
While I tried to participate in all 3 again, maybe this is not that bad, since recently I just got told that our IOL trip will end 1 day later anyway, so it would be quite rush physically to make it to both as well.
kostka can you add the Malaysia team? This link confirms that the participants mentioned is correct.
You can add them yourself, using the form above.
Team Cuba:
Can confirm, I was the banana
Well I don't know if you were a contestant, but it's a true story xD
Team Mexico
Sebastian Sanchez Lara -- wiritos
Hector Fernando Ricardez Lara -- kishtarn
Jose Angel Cazares Torres -- joseacaz
Diego Emir Garcia Moreno -- DiegoGarcia
The training camp is over and the IOI team was finally anounced:
Team Romania:
Moroianu Theodor-Pierre:theodor.moroianu
Sitaru Bogdan:bogdan10bos
Petrescu Alexandru:petrescu
Georgescu Laura Ioana:laurageorgescu
Team Israel:
Belarus IOI team:
Team Bulgaria:
Radoslav Dimitrov radoslav11 (0 attempts left)
Aleksandar Krastev perchema (0 attempts left)
Martin Kopchev Martin53 (3 attempts left)
Viktor Kozhuharov Sorting (2 attempts left)
Actually the last participant is Viktor Kozhuharov Sorting, as Peter decided to skip this IOI.
Do you know why so? Is it the last chance for him?
The passport he had was expired (and he had no time to get a new one) and also because of some other reasons regarding his job.
Wait, he has a job?
Is it weird to have a job?
In his age, it is weird to have such a serious job that makes him skip IOI.
gold for the Sonechko!!)
Azerbaijan First Team:
Azerbaijan Second Team:
Brace yourselves, folks, here the best team comes! We will trounce y'all!
Second team ?
host countries usually is allowed second(I think unofficial) team
Turkmenistan Team:
Deputy Leader: Kerim.K
kostka Why does the list contain 5 contestants from Kazakhstan?
Good question. I removed one person and I hope it is correct now. Can someone from Kazakhstan confirm?
Yes, it is fine now.
Team Bangladesh:
Team Ireland:
Australian Team:
I am wondering: do you guys have your own platform for training? I see very few contests on your profiles, and if I can remember, Australia usually has a pretty good representation (for instance, I remember JoeyWheeler and jerry performances at the IOI).
Yes, we have an Australian judge, orac, where we do most of our training. Most problems on there are private and are given to us for training. Since codeforces rounds are usually in the middle of the night for us we don't do as many of them.
Makes sense, thanks for answering.
Team Thailand
<--- Weakest person in IOI is here!!!!
Take it easy bro. You performed well, really much better than me in local contests/problems.
Hello everyone. Greetings from Thailand. This is my first time at IOI, For me, this is a new experience in my world of competitive programming because IOI is held internationally (I had never participate a competition internationally before... so exciting). I love meeting with people, so nice to meet you guys, and I'd look forward to see you guys in the IOI!
-- Plurm (Sirawit Pongnakintr)
Thailand team gave us 'magnetic paper weights' (what are they called?) as souvenirs last year at IOI, which turned out to be so useful to me. It'd be nice if you bring some of those this year too. :D
I will try to find it and bring it there.
See you :D
Sometimes the underdeveloped countries of the world although when their national team has a level, they can not take their entire team for a small budget of the country and I believe that in places of development of talents in the competitive programming like this that promotes to such level the competitive programming that becomes a hobby for users should be supported in some way to the cause of all the participants of the IOI or at least almost all participate in this competition because it is quite demotivating that participants with a long career in competitive programming and that they have sacrificed so much, when making a national team they can not participate in competitions of this style which frustrates many of them.
Are elementary school students allowed to participate IOI cause on site say only secondary school.. I was 7 in my country and guy who was 4 cant go because he not secondary school. Sorry my english bad.
According to the IOI regulations, a contestant "is a student who was enrolled in a school at a level not higher than secondary education".
So the definition is "not higher", it is fine if you are younger.
Four year old going to IOI o_O
I guess, he talks about place achieved, not age.
As pllk said, my understanding of IOI regulations is that contestants from school levels below secondary are allowed to compete at IOI.
However, the regulations are also very vague around selection criteria. Imagine if elementary schools in that country are under supervision of a different organization than secondary ones. I can see, how unfortunately, that might create funding problems for example. When I was organizing ICPC in Cambridge, we were only sponsored for Computer Science students, so we had to find funding for other departments’ students elsewhere.
With this amount of information, however, it’s impossible for me to do anything further about this. You could always try asking national organizers about the reasoning. If you’re still unhappy with the reasoning and want to bring it up to IC, then I’d recommend sending an e-mail to IC or providing me with more details so I can do it for you. It’s doubtful that IC would be able to do anything for this IOI, but at least we’ll be aware of the situation and can act on it for the future if deemed appropriate. However, I’d imagine hearing from the person that was actually not allowed to go would be the most impactful.
Note: all of the above is my personal opinion and does not represent the opinion of IC.
When can we expect the official list of participants like here?
I guess after the official registration ends, but the deadline was prolonged once again till 5th of July.
Is there something wrong with the data?
Yep, there was something wrong. It should be fixed already. Thank you for pointing it out!
IOI 2019 Contestants
I'll add photos for 2019 and Codeforces handles from this thread a bit later.
Azerbaijan's second team will also get added a bit later – they're currently not in the registration system, so I'm tracking this separately.
UPD: 2019 photos are up.