omg's blog

By omg, 5 years ago, In English

I think Codeforces should add division 5 contests for people rated less than 1200. The last division 4 contest was too challenging and I got very frustrated trying to solve the problems. It was basically equal to the difficulty of a division 3 contest. They need to make something much easier. Please add division 5 contests that are held every week.

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5 years ago, # |
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Firstly, I recommend AtCoder Beginner Contests. ABC are always very accessible to newer coders.

Secondly, don't be frustrated when you can't solve something. Did you go back after the contest, think about it some more, read the editorial, and implement the solutions after contest? I don't think making contests easier than division 4 is the best approach. Often it's the problems that are too challenging for us that teach us the most. Never forget that.

5 years ago, # |
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5 years ago, # |
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There are always other sites like Atcoder, Hackerrank to practise problems of much easier level.Problems easier than Div 4 would be like: A-print the sum of numbers B- Sort the array and print and so on. Why not practise more and uosolve the problems you were not able to last time. This seems to be the best option. And yes, I do understand your frustation and struggle

5 years ago, # |
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Whoa, I thought you've mentioned that you'll become LGM in 3 months!

5 years ago, # |
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Thank you!

You are very good at trolling. I am laughing at your blog posts for 10 minutes and I can't really stop.

Unfortunately, Codeforces community does not understand nor trolling, nor sarcasm ((