Only a few hours before the start of ACM-ICPC World Finals 2015!
The ACM ICPC is considered as the "Olympics of Programming Competitions". It is quite simply, the oldest, largest, and most prestigious programming contest in the world.
The ACM-ICPC (Association for Computing Machinery — International Collegiate Programming Contest) is a multi-tier, team-based, programming competition. Headquartered at Baylor University, Texas, it operates according to the rules and regulations formulated by the ACM. The contest participants come from over 2,500 universities that are spread across 100+ countries and six continents.
This year the best 128 teams in the world will meet face to face in Marrakech on World Finals. Video coverage will start on 09:00 (UTC), and the contest will start on 10:00 (UTC).
- current standings (currently there are practice session results there), alternative standings table by Ahmed Aly
- video on youtube
- text coverage on tumblr
- offcial photos
- twitch channel 1, twitch channel 2
- Petr Mitrichev's blog
Good luck to all the teams!
UPD Added link to the text coverage on tumblr.