It is really great to spend holyday usefully. During the Victory Day I not only visited the Victory Park with family, congratulated people closed to me, watch the Victory Day Salute, but also I've started to get rid from
Yes, it is not a mistake. We are moving forward to use the only domain
. It will make many thing better: better navigation, better page statistics, better pagerank and other metrics.
Of course, all links to is redirecting to the appropriate page on now. In addition, for now it applies only to GET-requests.
Observant visitors have noticed that recently changed how we deal with images. Now, if you insert a link to image into the text of a post/comment, then when you save it predownloaded and stored on Codeforces, and link is replaced by to use our domain. This solves several problems: missing or spoofed pictures in old posts/comments, the restriction on the number of views in original image server, we resize too large images to smaller size, now we be sure to use https for images, which means we are closer to use https.