By ahmed_aly, 10 years ago, In English

I'm planning to make a scoreboard for the ACM ICPC World Finals 2015, the scoreboard will contain the TopCoder and Codeforces handles for the contestants. It will be similar to this one (but with some more improvements).

Please post the Codeforces handles for the qualified teams here. I'll keep updating this post once I get any new information.

Any suggestions for the scoreboard are welcome for sure.

I'll add all the handles I get in the following table:

Country University Contestant 1 Contestant 2 Contestant 3
1 Russia St. Petersburg National Research University of IT, Mechanics and Optics tourist qwerty787788 VArtem
2 Japan The University of Tokyo rng_58 semiexp wrong
3 China Shanghai Jiao Tong University BaconLi rowdark yefllower
4 Russia Moscow State University TeaPot GlebsHP meshanya
5 Poland Jagiellonian University in Krakow piob guspiel m.sewcio
6 Ukraine Lviv National University RomaWhite witua I_love_Tanya_Romanova
7 Croatia University of Zagreb ikatanic stjepan gustav
8 United States University of Southern California cgy4ever ghostgold innovator
9 China Fudan University flydutchman Riatre this_isssssyy
10 United States Massachusetts Institute of Technology surwdkgo sillycross ACube
11 Russia National Research University Higher School of Economics aid yurboss i.trofimow
12 China Tsinghua University ACMonster Leo_Yu Eternal_Answer
13 Sweden KTH — Royal Institute of Technology Gullesnuffs simonlindholm jsannemo
14 Iran Sharif University of Technology mR.ilchi haas LGM
15 Belarus Belarusian State University kolesov93 qwaker.00 nekrald
16 Russia St. Petersburg State University Copymaster Seemann KapJI
17 Ukraine Odessa National Mechnikov University Monyura Sfairat Sklyack
18 Japan University of Tsukuba logicmachine zerokugi nuip
19 Japan Kyoto University natsugiri ichyo eha
20 Romania University of Bucharest freak93 scipianus
21 China Zhejiang SCI-TECH University Nero problem-solved JayYe
22 United States Carnegie Mellon University iridescent AstroConjecture aquamongoose
23 Ukraine Taras Shevchenko Kiev National University Fdg Furko M0sTik
24 China Beihang University sd0061 InheritO InheritG
25 China Peking University chnlich wuzhengkai zcwwzdjn
26 South Korea Korea University Myungwoo Cauchy_Function wclee2265
27 Poland University of Warsaw mareksom Errichto johnasselta
28 South Korea KAIST mjy0503 etaehyun4 protos37
29 Singapore National University of Singapore jonathanirvings nathanajah darknsux
30 Russia Saratov State University IlyaLos ikar fcspartakm
31 United States University of Central Florida edorundo jcomputer000 tylerbrazill
32 Georgia Free University of Tbilisi svanidz1 TMandzu guliashvili
33 China University of Electronic Science and Technology of China hlwt qph-Jeremy xiaoke
34 Singapore Nanyang Technological University sillyboy con_nha_ngheo ddldyj237
35 China Beijing Institute of Technology nono s0en1it YYOne
36 Canada University of Waterloo dojiboy9 vlyubin goffrie
37 Brazil Universidade de São Paulo StefanoT marcoskwkm antonio_junior
38 Taiwan National Taiwan University fenzhang lnsuyn Nekosyndrome
39 China Fuzhou University lastenX L_Ecry yoooou
40 Czech Republic Charles University in Prague fhlasek mirecek3
41 India Indian Institute of Technology — Roorkee adurysk amankedia1994 noah07
42 Russia Moscow Institute of Physics & Technology ssmike kuzmichev_dima pershik
43 United States University of Michigan at Ann Arbor WCG archerundead CLDP
44 Argentina Universidad de Buenos Aires — FCEN zylber tavo92 melsclar
45 Poland University of Wroclaw bardek Solaris matix2267
46 South Korea Seoul National University zlzmsrhak pjsdream lemonsqueeze
47 China Zhejiang University chnluyi Dark_sun zimpha
48 Colombia Universidad Nacional de Colombia — Bogotá niquefa_diego DiegoCR lemur
49 China South China University of Technology Xiaodongdong yada nf001
50 India Indian Institute of Technology — Madras Sundar ajkrish95 vkarthik195
51 Vietnam University of Engineering and Technology — VNU net12k44 Aquacloud ntit_co1
52 China Beijing Normal University pkwv suiyuan2009 hwq1352249
53 China Beijing Jiaotong University kybconnor Ryan_MuQ Lquartz
54 China Shanghai University meijun kuangbin zhangxiaohao
55 Spain Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya dirbaio etal angargo
56 China Huazhong University of Science & Technology HUST_LAZ Hellis once8203
57 Kazakhstan Nazarbayev University ADJA An4ik.D kt-9
58 United States Stanford University csimstu simp1eton 6kkdrx3
59 Bangladesh Jahangirnagar University nfssdq FlaminRage bhadra
60 Russia Saint Petersburg Academic University – Nanotechnology Research and Education Centre RAS nk.karpov evgentu geka666
61 Belarus Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics tanas asmisha dberezhnov
62 Switzerland ETH Zürich m.raszyk schorsch andrei.prv
63 Egypt The American University in Cairo ghooo Hosam_Samy islamdiaa
64 Indonesia University of Indonesia Gyosh sokokaleb athin
65 Germany Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg pwild tobias.polzer MiriTheRing
66 India International Institute of Information Technology — Hyderabad viv001 karanaggarwal pulkitg10
67 Bangladesh Shahjalal University of Science and Technology Corei13 J-C PlausibleDeniability
68 China Jilin University tjmts chm517 yaoyan5
69 Iran University of Tehran A.Elahi Leyla NIWIS
70 Canada University of Calgary yum EACoder karklenator
71 Brazil Federal University of Minas Gerais gpoesia
72 Australia University of New South Wales junkbot yujinwunz KKOrange
73 Egypt Arab Academy for Science and Technology (Alexandria) adelnobel MoustafaMaher Haytham.Breaka
74 Brazil Universidade Federal de Campina Grande deMatos rafaelclp Manoel
75 India Indian Institute of Technology — Kharagpur anuraganand biswajitsc sayhellotoanshu
76 United States University of California at Berkeley jx_wuyi Jby_Yeah xfastx
77 United States University of Minnesota — Twin Cities HidenoriS GoldenGopher nil_mo
78 China National University of Defense Technology clavichord93 alpc128 qwdqkh1
79 Denmark University of Copenhagen Tejs Thomas_Ahle JakobTejs
80 South Africa University of Cape Town h4tguy rspencer MrHamdulay
81 Belarus Belarusian State Economic University sas4eka Liaksiejka hired777
82 United States Virginia Tech Wertle miraziz spruett3
83 Russia Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University dinarisio RamTararam OmniLRenegadE
84 Egypt Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences, Ain Shams University zetamoo ahmedameen xa.mohsen
85 Cuba Universidad de La Habana mnaeraxr jcg otero1991
86 Russia Moscow Aviation Institute Timus lester
87 Iran Yazd University of Iran A.K.Goharshady saeedtame
88 Venezuela Universidad Simón Bolívar p-space avatar_tp josegpg
89 United States University of Maryland Solej
90 Egypt Cairo University — Faculty of Computers and Information moh.amr mc_mosa AhmedHamed
91 China University of Science and Technology of China wilsonlym mynameisverylong ufo172849z
92 United States University of California Los Angeles lcch MatRush gaoxin
93 United States University of Chicago hweigel528
94 Argentina Facultad de Ciencias Exactas-Universidad Nacional de Rosario karupayun mariano22 martinv
95 Egypt Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University TsunamiNoLetGo ahmed_fathy_aly Alwahsh
96 Georgia Georgia Institute of Technology oioi98
97 China Hangzhou Dianzi University HunDunDM zhouxianjie
98 Brazil Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro rodrigozhou filipe.zhou diegoximenes
99 India Amrita School of Engineering, Kollam ash1794 lighters Skr379
100 Brazil Universidade Estadual de Campinas igorwr soneca ruansilva
101 Mexico Escuela Superior De Computo Instituto Politecnico Nacional Garo9521 ChOmPs
102 Egypt German University in Cairo TheSavageKoder Mohamed.Bassem .Khaled.
103 Peru Universidad Católica San Pablo jainor alculquicondor darkloz
104 India Indian Institute of Technology — Delhi TheTerminalGuy knsn
105 Bolivia Universidad Privada de Santa Cruz de la Sierra alexpizarroj josemanuel101 Ademord
106 Australia The Australian National University aandrew
107 Cuba Universidad de Oriente — Sede Antonio Maceo gilcu3 JoMoPinyol
108 Morocco Al Akhawayn University magieNoire __builtin__wolfy CloverAsta
109 Syria Tishreen University Pepe.Chess samiemad majd.gda1
110 Mexico Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes flavio FraNkoAL jarl93
111 Iran Shahid Beheshti University m.haghpanah farzad.shbfn
112 United States Cornell University edufgf victoreis marinheiro
113 Morocco ENSA Marrakech, UCA noblesse DieAnderen yahya.elfakir
114 United States University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign jmseo2 muramasa_912 tsmith13
115 Australia The University of Western Australia
116 China South China Agricultural University
117 Colombia Universidad de los Andes, Colombia
118 India Indian Institute of Technology — Bombay
119 Mexico ITESM Campus Monterrey
120 Russia National University of Science and Technology "MISiS"
121 United States Carleton College
122 United States Harvard University
123 United States Iowa State University
124 United States Messiah College
125 United States Northwestern University
126 United States Princeton University
127 United States Rice University
128 United States University of Wisconsin — Madison

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By Avalanche, 10 years ago, translation, In English

Hi Codeforces!

My name is Maxim Gusarov and I joined the Codeforces developer team in September and am recently working with Vitaly kuviman Kudasov on improving the Polygon system.

Today I would like to introduce you to the new potential of the system where all problems for the Codeforces rounds and many other programming contests are prepared.

Update 1

As a user logs into the system, she can now use either the login or the email given at the registration. You can also attach the session to the IP address to enhance security.

Update 2

Any user who has the access to edit a problem can become its supervisor. The supervisor will always get email notifications about the changes committed to the problem even if they were committed as “Minor changes”. What you need to do is to open the problem, go to the “Manage Access” tab and set “Supervisor” after your name.

This option can be used for the problem author or the contest coordinator not to miss a single change.

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By MikeMirzayanov, 10 years ago, translation, In English

Hello, Codeforces!

In late December and early January, I wrote a proof-of-concept of separate service in C ++, to take out heavy data from the Codeforces Java-code to C++. Long time I have not written in C ++, experienced a funny sense of immersion into another world.

I was surprised to find the lack of open-addressing hashmap in the C++ standard library, and indeed in the boost, and in other popular libraries. It is strange somehow, because often open addressing should be better than separate chaining both in time and memory. And since I intend to keep small objects, then sure.

I quickly sketched a prototype that actually shows that open addressing in 2-3 times faster than the standard std::unordered_map. Here's the output of the benchmark on my laptop:

std :: map takes 15779 ms
std :: unordered_map takes 4698 ms
oaht :: hash_map takes 1473 ms

I think that there is no good implementation of such container in stl-style with the support of C++11 (move semantics). Maybe someone will show, but I have not found.

Here is my prototype on github: Unfortunately, I'm not cool C ++ expert, and I have no time to implement.

On the other hand, on Codeforces where were many C ++- discussions, and seems there many users who understand modern C ++. Also algorithms are water and air of Codeforces!

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By hogloid, 10 years ago, In English

Hello Codeforces!

evima, yosupo and I would like you to participate in Codeforces Round #286. It will be held on Sunday, January 18th at 16:00 MSK. Please note that this round starts on unusual time.

Great thanks to Zlobober who helped us prepare this round, Delinur who translated statements into Russian and MikeMirzayanov who created Codeforces and polygon.

This is the 3rd time(following #162 and #263) for me, and the 1st time for evima and yosupo to prepare a Codeforces Round.

Scores of the problems will be

500-1000-1750-1750-2500 for Div.1, and

500-1000-1500-2000-2750 for Div.2.

In this round, you'll help a man named Mr. kitayuta. I hope he will participate :)

The system tests are now over! The top-5 are as follows:













Also, special congrats on Petr, who solved problem E in Div.1, which anyone else could not solve.

Here are the editorials

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By Sammarize, 10 years ago, translation, In English

Round 1 FHC starts in January, 17, at the 18.00 UTC.

Look this and other information here. The top 500 finishers will advance to Round 2, as well as contestant who gets the same number of points as the 500th contestant.

Round 1 will last 24 hours. This is not virtual contest, when you can choose moment when you start during these 24 hours, but 24-hour contest of full value. It is unusually decision. It is clearly that organizers wants all participants to find the convenient time to solve the problems. I hope the problemset we be completed such a way so how many times does participient can spend to solve the problems, 2 hours or 24, will not have a big impact to his result. Perhaps it is assumed that a certain set of problems will be solved by large number of participants, much more than 500, but very few people will be able to solve something else.

(I will glad to see the remarks about translation mistakes)

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By MiptLited, 10 years ago, translation, In English

From 24 February to 6 March 2015, the Moscow Insitute for Physics and Technology will host the sixth Winter Computer Camp 2015 (WCC-2015) in the city of Dolgoprudny. Students of upper grades are welcome to participate.

The program of the camp includes::

  • Daily studying contests: preparation to the finals of the Open Olympiad, finals of national programming Olympiads.

  • Olympiads in programming and mathematics.

  • Lectures by workers of base organizations of FIHT about actual tasks in the IT Industry.

  • Lectures by professional scientists on combinatorial mathematics.

  • Sports and intellectual games.

How to get to the school:

  1. Fill in the registration form.
  2. Participate in the online selection rounds for the camp. Pay attention that the selection is conducted thoroughly in compliance with the results of the selection rounds.

Online selection rounds*:

  • 18.01.2015 10:00 мск — first round,

  • 31.01.2015 15:00 мск — second round,

  • 07.02.2015 15:00 мск — third round,

  • 08.02.2015 10:00 мск — fourth round

**the dates and time of the rounds can change, follow the information on [our website].(

Cost of participation:

  • Free participation is guaranteed to the winners and prizers of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for School Students (or CIS Olympiads) in Informatics and Mathematics.

  • 5900 for winners and prizers of the ALl-Russian Team Olympiad for School Students in Programming and the Open Olympiad for School Students in Programming.

  • 9900 rubles for participants of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for School Students (or CIS Olympiads) in Informatics and Programming

  • 18900 rubles for other participants.

For any occuring questions, leave messages on the organizing committee email: [email protected]

The programming committee of Winter Computer Camp 2015 includes: map, Kostroma, Endagorion, DPR-pavlin, ifsmirnov, riadwaw, Babanin_Ivan, Golovanov399, Skird, gchebanov, savinov, Arterm, zemen, kuzmichev_dima, pershik and others.

The organizing committee and the programming committee start its work! See you in February!

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By PrinceOfPersia, 10 years ago, In English

Today I want to introduce you some very very useful data structures.

In this lecture, we are trying to improve your data structures skills, stay with us and click on read more.

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By savinov, 10 years ago, translation, In English

Hi, Codeforces!

Codeforces Round #285 will be held at 12 January, 12.00 MSK. Problems are authored by me, Evgeny Savinov. This is my first round at Codeforces. I hope that this isn't the last one.

I want to thank sokian and Golovanov399 for help in preparing and testing round, Zlobober for invaluable help in preparing round, AlexFetisov for testing round, Delinur for translating problem statements in English, and of course, MikeMirzayanov for great systems Codeforces and Polygon.

By the way, today(11 January) is MikeMirzayanov's birthday. Happy birthday, Mike!

The round will be for both divisions. Information about score distribution will be posted just before the round starts.

UPD1: Scoring system will be dynamic. Problems will be arranged in ascending expected difficulty order.

UPD2: The editorial can be found here. I'm sorry for the delay.

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By kien_coi_1997, 10 years ago, In English

Mapping a permutation to a number has attracted much social concern. In shortest-path problems, in case a node (or state) is a permutation, we should convert states to integers, in order to BFS or Dijkstra on new graph comfortably. Many coders have known using std::map or trie to do this work. However, both have certain disadvantages. My writing will introduce a new way to solve this problem.

It is hard to write both long and detailed blog. Therefore, you can comment anything which you didn't understand well. I will reply (or update this blog if it is necessary).

To understand the role of mapping a permutation to a number, consider problem POSLOZI from COCI. Our goal is to find the length of the shortest path from a permutation S to an other permutation T using allowed operations. A valid operation is swapping two elements in the permutation. We are given a list of pair (p, q) denote we can swap the element indexed p and the element indexed q. Any other swapping operations are not allowed. A possible strategy is to BFS simultaneously from both S and T.


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