By PrinceOfPersia, 10 years ago, In English

Are you in love with algorithms? If you are don't miss this round and be algorithm's valentine ;)

On the night before valentine's day (exact time), Valentine Algorithm cUp 2015 is going to take place.

There will be 6 problems and 3 hours to solve them. All of them are written by me(PrinceOfPersia).

This competition is like surprise languages but too different. 3 days before the contest, I will publish tutorial of 5 new algorithm languages(not programming languages) with their compiler codes. Each language is going to be really simple to learn and have at most 6 or 7 commands (they're not like programming languages).

Your program should print the code written in the language the problem says and checker will run it (pay attention that inputs are encoded, don't try to read form input, just print the code). Don't use unnecessary wjitespaces.

Each command of a language, will have a number, shown by w(x) called order. There will be a counter cnt = 0 (initially), every time your code calls this command, cnt increases by x. The order of your code equals the final value of cnt.

Each problem has a limit for your code's order.

If your code gets CE or OLE (order limited exceeded) or WA, you will receive Wrong answer.

Example :

Language (named EXM) : This language is built to process on an integer. There are two valid commands :

  1. M x : multiply the number by x. (Order : w(x) ).
  2. I x : increase the number by x. (Order : w(1) ).

Your program returns the final value of that number.

Your task is given number n, the return value of your code must be number 2n + 1 .

Code in EXM:

M 2
I 1

C++ code (the code you will submit in submit page):

printf("M 2\nI 1\n");

Your code's order will be 2 + 1 = 3 .

UPD: You can download languages tutorial and their compilers here.

Attention: Compile the code for each language, in Windows : g++ -o lang lang.cpp -O2 -std=c++0x and in Mac and Linux g++ -o lang.out lang.cpp -O2 -std=c++0x.

Using in Windows:

For running your code that is saved in a file like x.txt, use exactly lang x.txt in cmd and if you want debug mode enabled, use lang x.txt -d (not lang -d x.txt).

Using in Mac OS X or Linux:

For running your code that is saved in a file like x.txt, use exactly ./lang.out x.txt in terminal and if you want debug mode enabled, use ./lang.out x.txt -d (not ./lang.out -d x.txt).

Sample problem:

Write a program in Prolan that given a string s containing only a and b deletes all bs and converts all as to d. Order shouldn't exceed 106 (1 ≤ |s| ≤ 100).

My code:


If you have any question, feel free to ask.

UPD2: Scoring will be 500-1000-1500-2000-2500-3000.

By the way, the main characters of each problem is different from other problems. Actually, for each problem the main characters are an imaginary(or not!) couple :)

UPD3: IDXT's compiler had some bug, you can download the correct source here.

UPD4: For people who want to practice, the new archive(including languages tutorials and bugless compilers) can be found here.

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By Seyaua, 10 years ago, In English

Hello Codeforces community,

I am happy to announce that Rocket Fuel Inc. will be hosting a Rockethon competition again! The contest is prepared by Rocket Fuel employees Eldar Bogdanov, Anton Lomonos, Lasha Lakirbaia, Alexander Ruff, Nikhil Goyal and me, Ievgen Soboliev. We hope everyone will find some interesting problems in the contest and everyone will have as much fun solving these problems as we had preparing them. Just like last year, the best participants will receive valuable prizes and top performers will get Rockethon 2015 T-shirts! Also, Rocket Fuel is interested in hiring people after this event, so please fill out the simple form during registration.

About Rocket Fuel

Rocket Fuel is building technology platform to do automatic targeting and optimization of ads across all channels — display, video, mobile and social. Our pitch to advertisers is very simple "If you can measure metrics of success of your campaign, we can optimize". We run campaigns for many large advertisers and our clients include many top companies within the following industries: autos, airlines, commercial banks, telecom, food services, insurance, etc. Examples include BMW, Pizza Hut, Brooks Running Shoes and many more!

We buy all our inventory through real time bidding on ad exchanges like Google and Yahoo. Ad exchanges are similar to stock exchanges except the commodity being traded is ad slots on web pages. Our serving systems currently process over 60B bid requests/ day with a response time requirement of 100ms. Our data platform has 64 PBs data that is used for analytics as well as modeling.

Our engineering team is still small (~150) enough for any one person like yourself to make a huge impact. The team represents many top schools in US and outside — Stanford, Carnegie Mellon, MIT, Wisconsin-Madison, IIT (India), Tsinghua (China).

Rocket Fuel has been named #4 on Forbes Most Promising Companies in America List in 2013 and #1 Fastest Growing Company in North America on Deloitte’s 2013 Tech Fast 500 and our CEO George John was recently named “Most Admired CEO” by the SF Business Times in 2014.

My Personal Story

About one year ago I visited CodeForces and saw an announcement of Rockethon 2014. My first thought was "Another competition from a big company, that's nice!". I took part in this contest, performed quite well and recruiters from Rocket Fuel have contacted me and scheduled some interviews. I passed the interviews and now I'm here, in Rocket Fuel.

It has been a nice opportunity to learn advanced concepts of software engineering from a huge amount of smart people working with you. Also, our activities here are not limited only to writing code — we do fun things here like playing basketball, soccer, table tennis. I invite everybody to take a part in the competition and would be glad to hear if any of you thinking about joining Rocket Fuel.

Contest Overview

The contest will begin on February 7, 9AM PST.

The contest length is 3 hours.

The testing of each submission will be performed as soon as the submission is received and the verdict will be delivered to the submission author right away.

The problemset will consist of 7 problems. Each problem can contain from one to three subproblems. Each subproblem will be worth a fixed amount of points. The ties between contestants with the same score will be broken by penalty time which is computed similar to ACM scoring system.


The top three contestants will receive the following prizes:

1) IPhone 6 (16 Gb)

2) Participant can choose Apple Watch or Samsung Gear S

3) Participant can choose Apple Watch or Samsung Gear S

The top 150 performers will receive a Rockethon T-shirt designed specially for this contest.

If you are unable to take part in the competition but are interested in joining Rocket Fuel, we will be screening resumes submitted through the special form.

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By cgy4ever, 10 years ago, In English

Fox Ciel is back!

I invite you to participate in Codeforces Round #290, which will start at the standard time on next Monday:

This is my 4th round on Codeforces, my previous rounds: #190, #228, #270.

Last Div1 Round (#286) is so hard, so after notice that, we decide to reduce the difficulty of this round. (For example, current Div1-E was used as Div1-D) I hope more people can enjoy all tasks in this round: this time no task requires advanced knowledge like linear space or Fourier Transform.

The background story will be Fox Ciel's life: learning programming, play games, traveling, have dinner and so on.

Like Round #228, top-20 contestants that are currently at Petrozavodsk training camp will be rewarded with nice Codefores T-Shirts. Contestant may be a team member, jury, coach, organizer, or whoever else involved in camp, no matter of status.

As usual, thanks to Zlobober for giving great suggestions and test my round, and MikeMirzayanov for the platform (Codeforces and Polygon).

Good luck and have fun!

Update1: Score Distribution is ... Div2: Standard (500 — 1000 — 1500 — 2000 — 2500), Div1: a bit unusual ... (500 — 1000 — 1500 — 22502250)

Update2: Editorial:

Update3: Congratulation to our winners:


  1. Petr

  2. Endagorion

  3. mmaxio

  4. jqdai0815

  5. tourist

They are all people who solved 5 tasks!


  1. SkullSkin

  2. joshkirstein

  3. gabrielinelus

  4. UnknownNooby

  5. Andrey_WK

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By eatmore, 10 years ago, translation, In English

The third round of Facebook Hacker Cup 2015 will take place exactly one week after round 2: on January 31st at 9:00 PM UTC. The round will last 3 hours. Top 25 participants will win a trip to Menlo Park to participate in the final round, which will take place at Facebook office on March 6th.

Participants will be able to enter the contest using this link, and the scoreboard will be available to everyone here.

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By map, 10 years ago, translation, In English

Hello, Codeforces! I'd like to invite you to Codeforces Round #289 (Div. 2). It'll be held on Saturday, January 31 at 15:00 MSK and as usual Div. 1 participants can take part out of competition.

This round will be carried out according to the ACM rules, which means that you get verdict of your solution on-line, and the duration time is 3 hours.

These differences in the rules are caused by the fact that this round is the second qualifying round for the WCC, which stands for Winter Computer Camp and can be also mentioned as ZKSH. Official school website — h There you can find the selection rules for WCC.

If you are a school student and you want to participate in the selection to WCC here are the steps:

  1. Sign up for the school at, if it was not done earlier.
  2. Create a free account at, if it was not done earlier.
  3. Sign up for the round on the link You should put a tick in the box "Do you want to participate in the selection to WCC?", and provide your last name, first name and email, which you entered for registration in the first step.

If you have any questions feel free to write to the address of the organizing committee: [email protected].

The authors of the contest (WCC technical committee) are really grateful to Max Akhmedov (Zlobober) for the help with preparation of this round, Maria Belova (Delinur) for translation of statements and Mike Mirzayanov (MikeMirzayanov) for contribution to the development of programming by creating systems Codeforces and Polygon.

UPD. Tutorial —

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By fcspartakm, 10 years ago, translation, In English

Hello, Codeforces!

I'd like to invite you to Codeforces Round #288 (Div. 2). It'll be held on Tuesday, January 27 at 19:30 MSK and as usual Div. 1 participants can join out of competition.

Great thanks to Maxim Akhmedov (Zlobober) for helping me preparing the contest, to Maria Belova (Delinur) for translating the statements into English, to Mike Mirzayanov (MikeMirzayanov) for the great Polygon platform and ideas of some problems and to my dear teammates Arthur Svechnikov (ikar) and Ilya Los (IlyaLos) for writing solutions.

The scoring distribution will be announced later. Good luck everyone!

UPD Score system is standart 500-1000-1500-2000-2500.

UPD2 Competition completed! Thank you all!

UPD3 You can find editorial here.

UPD4 Congratulations to the winners!

  1. topcoder.2015
  2. KimJongUn_JBYongDongJI
  3. atatomir
  4. pankaj_gudlani
  5. egor_bb

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By eduardische, 10 years ago, translation, In English

A reminder that today at 21:00 GMT the second round of Facebook Hacker Cup 2015 is taking place. After first round last weekend 732 contestants are continuing the battle. Top 100 from the second round advance to the third, while top 550 receive T-shirts. The round will be 3 hours in length. For contestants the tasks will be available here, while the standings — here.

UPD: Round is over, provisional results have been published. Cutoffs:

  • Advancement to Round 3: 55 points (A+B+C) with time ≤ 2:21:53
  • Facebook Hacker Cup 2015 T-Shirt: 10 points (А) with time ≤ 30:23

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By RetiredAmrMahmoud, 10 years ago, In English

Hello Codeforces!

I'd like to invite you to Codeforces Round #287 (Div. 2). It'll be held on Friday, January 23rd at 19:00 MSK. and as usual Div. 1 participants can join out of competition.

This is my first round so wish me luck! :)

Great thanks to Maxim Akhmedov (Zlobober) for helping me preparing the contest, Alex Fetisov (AlexFetisov) for testing and giving useful tips regarding statements, Maria Belova (Delinur) for translating the statements into Russian and Mike Mirzayanov (MikeMirzayanov) for the great Polygon platform.

The scoring distribution will be announced later.

Good luck everyone and I hope you'll find the problems interesting.

UPD #1 Score distribution will be standard 500-1000-1500-2000-2500.

UPD #2 Contest finished, hope you enjoyed the problems. :)

UPD #3 System testing finished.

Winner of the contest is going to be disqualified due to "Do not use harsh, rude or misleading handle." part of Codeforces rules.

So congratulations to the winners:






UPD #4 You can find the editorial here.

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