Hello, Codeforces!
Actually, I didn't understand how, but I've prepated a round for the second division. I think it is subconscious wanted to soften the hard memories of the round of 276.
I hope that very much that the round will be held without any technical issues, as was the 277th.
I express my sincere gratitude to all involved in the preparation — Maxim Zlobober Akhmedov, Maria Delinur Belova, Polygon System, servers and James Gosling for Java. Also I am immensely grateful to the driver, who did not knock down me by car, although I, thinking about the problems, was crossing road on red.
It will be rated round, 6 problems and non-typical progressive scores: min(500 + i*500, 2500).
Wish you to see many Accepteds.
UPD. The Round moved 5 minutes forward. I want very much so that no one be late! Sorry.
UPD 2. Rating has been updated. But if we will find any cheaters, they will be punished and we will recalculate ratings. Thank you for participation!