A live scoreboard for the ACM ICPC 2013 world finals will be available here: http://ahmed-aly.com/ICPC.jsp
This is just a sample for how it will look like, I might make some small modifications.
The scoreboard displays many information about each team, like the university, the country, the region, the team name, the members TopCoder handles, the members real names and the coach name. Also you will be able to filter the scoreboard by the region or the country. And the scoreboard highlights the champion for each region and shows some icons for the cup and the medals winners.
Edit 1: I added a chatting widget (you can hide it), and the practice contest scoreboard is available now.
Edit 2: Now you can pin your favorite teams to the top of the scoreboard, and you can hide some columns, and there are some statistics rows in the bottom of the scoreboard.
Edit 3: Here is the final ACM ICPC 2013 world finals scoreboard: http://ahmed-aly.com/ICPC.jsp