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By, history, 8 years ago, translation, In English

Hello, Codeforces!

Today, 17th of October at 17:35 MSK Codeforces Round #377 for second division participants will take place. As usual, first division participants are able to participate out of rating.

The round problems are taken from the problemset of regional stage of the All-Russian school team programming olympiad which was taking place yesterday in Saratov. The problemset for onsite competition was invented and prepared by Mike MikeMirzayanov Mirzayanov, Ilya IlyaLos Los, Danil Sagunov, Vladimir vovuh Petrov and Roman Roms Glazov. We are thankful for pre-solving competition problems to many of Saratov State U teams' participants. One problem in the round will have a bit harder version than at the competition.

Nikolay KAN Kalinin and Tatyana Tatiana_S Semenova helped us preparing problems and translating for the round — thank you! Thanks to Mike MikeMirzayanov Mirzayanov for the Codeforces and Polygon systems.

There will be 6 problems and 2 and a half hours to solve them at the round. We wish you the best luck!

If you are a participant of the yesterday competition in Saratov, please, do not register for the round and do not participate in it, also do not discuss the problems before the round ends.

UPD Scoring: 500-1000-1500-2000-2000-2500


Congratulations to the winners!


  1. gxgod

  2. FizzyDavicl

  3. dothanhlam97

  4. ngkan

  5. Judy.Hopps


  1. dreamoon_love_AA

  2. kmjp

  3. NVAL

  4. eddy1021

  5. pekempey

As soon as the time of registration to the round was a bit early, there may be some first division participants taking part in a line with a second division participants. There are not many of them, so (and due to technical problems) this will be left as is.

Due to NEERC subregionals in Saratov, rating will be updated tomorrow.

UPD3 Editorial

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By Zlobober, 8 years ago, translation, In English

Hi everybody!

Tomorrow at 09:35 UTC there will be Codeforces Round #376 that is dedicated for the second division. At the same time there will be a Moscow School Team Olympiad, and, as a nice tradition, we bring you a CodeForces round based on its problems. Unfortunately, this time we weren't able to come up with a good problemset for a first division contestants, but, as usual, we invite first division to participate unofficially in this round.

Problems were prepared by timgaripov, platypus179, wilwell, Flyrise, ipavlov and vintage_Vlad_Makeev under my control. We would like to thank members of jury of the Team Olympiad: Endagorion, Helen Andreeva and GlebsHP, who also works as a coordinator from the CodeForces side. Also we are very grateful to MikeMirzayanov for a Polygon system that makes problem preparation and coordination of many involved people much simpler, and for a great CodeForces community that we are all part of.

We suggest you 6 problems for 2 hours. Good luck!

UPD The contest is over, results are final, thanks for participating! The editorial will be published later

UPD2 I'm sorry for an editorial delay. It's finally available here.

Congratulations to contest winners:

  1. DmitryBelikov
  2. ljsss
  3. kehKeLenge
  4. dilsonguim
  5. UoA_Menma

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By MikeMirzayanov, history, 8 years ago, translation, In English

Hello, my dear Codeforcers!

Technocup is the olympiad for Russian-speaking highschool children. The winners will get significant benefits to enroll at Russian universities.

But it become open for everyone! Even if you are not a Russian-speaking highschool children, you can register for unofficial (out-of-olympiad) participation. The problems will be translated to English.

The contest starts on October 15, 09:05 (UTC). It will contain 6 problem to solve.

It will be rated round for:

  • official Technocup participants
  • unofficial participants from Div. 2

The contest will be hosted according Codeforcers rules.

UPD 1: The scoring is 1000-1000-1500-1500-2500-3000.

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By MiptLited, 8 years ago, translation, In English

Hello, Codeforces!

The seven Moscow International Workshop ACM ICPC 2016 will be organized in collaboration with the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, ITMO University and the MSU Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics from November 8 to 18.

This year, due to the tight schedule of the Subregionals, the term of registration is extended until October 24 for participants from Russia and the surrounding countries who don't need time to issue a visa and until October 15 who participants who do need a visa.

Teams now also have an opportunity to participate in the shortened version of the Workshop from November 8 to 15.

Last year, teams from 20 European and Asian countries participated in the Workshop, and the number of new universities that sent teams to the Workshop grows each year. The majority of participating teams not only become ACM ICPC finalists but win medals too: 8 out of 13 medalists of ACM ICPC World Finals 2016 participated in the Fall and Spring Workshops at MIPT.

Registration: Our website: Our email: [email protected]

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By vepifanov, 8 years ago, translation, In English

Intel Code Challenge Final Round will take place on Saturday, 8 October 15:05 MSK.

All users of the Codeforces can participate in it as in an usual round. The round will be rated and both divisions can participate. Pay attention to the time of the beginning of the round.

There will be 7 problems with statements in english and russian languages and 3 hours to solve them. Scoring distribution will be announced closer to the start of the round.

The problems were prepared by me — Vladislav Epifanov (vepifanov). I want to say thanks to Alexey Shmelev (ashmelev), Alexander Fetisov (AlexFetisov) and Vladislav Isenbaev (winger) for testing the problems, coordinator of the Codeforces Gleb Evstropov (GlebsHP) for his help with the contest preparation, and Mike Mirzayanov (MikeMirzayanov) for the Codeforces and Polygon systems.

UPD. Scoring distribution: 500-1000-1500-1500-2500-2500-2500. Since the round will be 3 hours long, the number of points for each task will decrease slower than in usual round.

UPD. 2 Due to some issues on one of sites for official participation in Intel Code Challenge we shifted the beginning of the round for 10 minutes. Sorry for the inconvenience.

UPD. 3

Final rating changes will be available after removing unfair participants.

Editorial will be published on Sunday, 9 October.


UPD. 6

Photos from the onsite event.

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By MikeMirzayanov, history, 8 years ago, translation, In English

Welcome to 2016-2017 CT S03E05: Codeforces Trainings Season 3 Episode 5 (2016 Stanford Local Programming Contest, Extended). The training duration is 4.30 hours. It is opened for teams as well as for individual participants. After the end you may use the practice mode to complete problem solving. Also it will be available as a virtual contest for whose of you who can't take part today. Please, do not cheat. Only fair play!

Visit Codeforces::Gym to find the contest and register.

We are planning to start on October, 5, 2016 13:10 (UTC).

It is possible that the problems will be too easy for some participants, it is possible that we will add some problems.

Good luck!

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By fcspartakm, history, 8 years ago, translation, In English

Hello, Codeforces!

I'd like to invite you to Codeforces Round #375 (Div. 2). It'll be held on Monday, October 3 at 14:35 MSK and as usual Div. 1 participants can join out of competition. Note that round starts in the unusual time!

This round is held on the tasks of the school stage All-Russian Olympiad of Informatics 2016/2017 year in city Saratov. They were prepared by me and Mike Mirzayanov (MikeMirzayanov).

Great thanks to Gleb Evstropov (GlebsHP) for helping me preparing the contest and for the idea of the most tricky problem, which was specially made for this round, to Tatiana Semenova (Tatiana_S) for translating the statements into English and to Nikolay Kalinin (KAN) for writing solutions and very helpful advices.

It will be a little unusual round — you will be given six problems and two and half hours to solve them.

Score distribution 500-1000-1500-2000-2500-3000. Good luck everyone!

UPD Editorial

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By Nickolas, 8 years ago, In English

A quick update on the status of e-maxx translation project.

First, I'm excited to announce that I've joined e-maxx in English team as an admin! From practical point of view this means that I can review and accept pull requests and help with the issues arising during the contribution process. Feel free to contact me if you have questions. And if I encounter anything outside of my expertise, I can always ping RodionGork directly :-)

Second, October is a particularly good month for contributions to e-maxx translation, as well as for open source contributions in general. Hacktoberfest is back this year, and they are giving away t-shirts to anyone who makes 4 pull requests to any GitHub-hosted projects between October 1st and 31st.

We don't have an explicit list of issues to work on, but there are two basic kinds of contribution we're looking for:

  1. Translations of articles (obviously :-)).
  2. Practice problems for already translated articles — these are the problems at online judges on which the described algorithm can be practiced. See circle-circle intersection article for an example.

Here is a recent post by RodionGork about technical improvements in contributions process.

So if you have at any point considered contributing to e-maxx translation, now is the time to do it :-)

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