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Автор parveen1981, история, 21 месяц назад, По-английски

Hi guys, I have been trying really hard for 15-20 days to prove the greedy algorithm for Movie Festival 2 but I am not able to do so and couldn't find a good proof on internet (I even tried chatGPT lol).

I was trying to go for greedy stays ahead technique. We can take the measurements as an array containing the ending time of movies for group members (sorted in ascending order each time a movie is added). For example: let $$$[t_1, t_2, ..., t_k]$$$, $$$[t_1', t_2', ..., t_k']$$$ be arrays in greedy and optimal approach with $$$t_i \leq t_i'$$$.

The base case was fairly easy, but I am having problem in proving that after k steps, if we can add a movie to optimal solution, then we can also add a movie to the greedy solution so that our measurement inequality still holds.

Can someone please help me with this? Thanks in advance.

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Автор parveen1981, история, 3 года назад, По-английски

Hi guys, hope you are doing well. I came across this problem 2 days ago and solved it with intuition. The same algorithm is also given in the editorial.
The problem is that I couldn't find a proper proof for that algorithm. I found this comment which seems to give some proof but I couldn't convince myself that it is a proper proof. Now, I am not able to move forward i.e. skip and solve another problems. I tried to find a proper proof for 2 days but it seems impossible. It would be great help if someone can give a proper proof. Thanks in advance.

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Автор parveen1981, история, 3 года назад, По-английски

Hi guys, hope you are doing well. I wanted to create my debug template but I can't get around this error?


Can somebody please help me? Thanks in advance.

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Автор parveen1981, история, 3 года назад, По-английски

Hello guys, I wanted to ask if there is any way such that I can pass a function to the constructor of the class and then store it as some variable so that I can execute it later.

Thanks in advance.

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Автор parveen1981, история, 3 года назад, По-английски

So, I was solving this problem today which I couldn't solve on my own. Then I saw the unofficial editorial by neal. Neal has given an amazing algorithm to solve this problem but unfortunately no proof was provided. So, I took upon myself to prove that algorithm. I would also like to ask neal to please check my proof if it is correct. Thank you. Here is my proof.

Editorial for 1400E — Clear the Multiset


You can only do two actions for an optimal solution. Let's say we want to find out answer for $$$[L,R]$$$.

So, first option is to take $$$R-L+1$$$ and second is: $$$a_m + f(l_1,r_1) + ... + f(l_z,r_z)$$$. So, the answer is

$$$f(L,R) = min(R-L+1,a_m + f(l_1,r_1) + ... + f(l_z,r_z))$$$, where $$$a_m$$$ is the minimum element in the segment $$$[L,R]$$$ and $$$[l_i,r_i]$$$ is the range which does not contain $$$a_m$$$ and each element of this range is decreased by $$$a_m$$$. Now, the main point for this algorithm is that when we perform operation 1, then we do so $$$a_m$$$ times and not less. Otherwise we don't perform operation 1.


First of all, we observe that if we don't apply operation 1 to $$$[L,R]$$$ and apply operation 1 to any $$$[l_i,r_i]$$$ at any later point of time, then it is better that we instead apply operation 1 to $$$[L,R]$$$ first and apply remaining operations to $$$[l_i,r_i]$$$. This will not make our answer worse. So, we can say that we only have two choice, first is that we apply operation 1 to $$$[L,R]$$$ and then recurse for remaining $$$[l_i,r_i]$$$ or we don't apply operation 1 at all and take our answer as $$$R-L+1$$$.

At first, let's consider the case when all elements are equal (valued $$$x$$$) in our array. For this case, our answer will be, $$$ans = min(x,len)$$$, where $$$len$$$ is the length of array. Let's prove this with contradiction, let's say we decrease all elements by $$$y$$$ which is smaller than $$$x$$$. So the total will be $$$len + y$$$ (after applying operation 2 on each element) which is greater than $$$len$$$. So, we either decrease the whole array by $$$x$$$ (when $$$x \leq len$$$) or we just take the length of whole array (when $$$len<x$$$).

Now, we will prove the above algorithm with the help of induction.

Step 1

Base Case: When we have two types of elements (valued $$$x$$$ and $$$x+m$$$).

First we will prove that taking elements of equal value (valued $$$m$$$) in one block will give us better value than if we take those equal elements in multiple blocks.

Let $$$len$$$ be length of the whole block and $$$len_1, len_2, ..., len_z$$$ be the lengths of multiple blocks. So, $$$len = len_1 + len_2 + ... + len_z $$$. Now, the answer for one block will be $$$ans_{one} = min(m,len)$$$.

Now, if $$$ans_{one} = len$$$, then it would mean that $$$ans_{multiple} = len_1 + len_2 + ... + len_z$$$, where $$$ans_{multiple}$$$ is the answer for multiple blocks. So, in this case, $$$ans_{one} = ans_{multiple}$$$.

And when $$$ans_{one}=m$$$, then $$$ans_{multiple} = w.m + len_{left}$$$, where $$$w$$$ is the number of blocks for which $$$m$$$ is smaller than the length of block and $$$len_{left}$$$ is the sum of lengths of remaining blocks for which $$$m$$$ is greater than or equal to the length of block.

So, we can finally conclude that $$$ans_{one} \leq ans_{multiple}$$$.

From now on, we will only consider $$$ans_{one}$$$, which will denote the worst case.

So, to the final proof for base case. Let $$$t$$$ the number of elements which are equal to $$$x$$$, so $$$len-t$$$ elements will be equal to $$$x+m$$$. Now, we consider two cases, first is when we decrease all elements by $$$x$$$, and second is when we decrease all elements by $$$y$$$ which is smaller than $$$x$$$.

For case 1,
$$$ans_{case1} = min(len,x+min(len-t,m))$$$.
For case 2,
$$$ans_{case2} = min(len,t+y+min(len-t,x+m-y))$$$
Let's analyze the second term in case 2, i.e. $$$t+y+min(len-t,x+m-y)$$$. When $$$min(len-t,x+m-y) = len-t$$$, our term will become $$$t + y + len - t$$$ equals to $$$ len + y$$$ which is worse than $$$len$$$ (since our answer cannot exceed $$$len$$$). And when $$$min(len-t,x+m-y) = x + m - y$$$, our term will become $$$ x + t + m$$$ which is worse than $$$x+m$$$ in the first case, since $$$x-y \geq 1$$$. Hence $$$ans_{case1}$$$ is always better.

So, we can conclude that if we apply operation 1, then we should apply it $$$a_m$$$ times, otherwise we should not apply it at all.

Step 2

Case for k+1 type elements: When we have elements whose values equals to $$$x, x+m_1, x+m_1 + m_2, ..., x+m_1+m_2+...+m_k$$$. We assume that our answer is:
$$$ans_k = min(len_k, x + W_{k-1})$$$, where $$$len_i$$$ is the length of array when there are $$$i+1$$$ types of elements, and $$$W_{k-1}$$$ is the minimum cost for case of $$$k$$$ types elements.

Step 3

Case for k+2 type elements: When we have elements whose values equals to $$$x, x+m_1, ..., x+ m_1 + ... + m_{k+1}$$$.

Now, we consider two cases, first is when we decrease all elements by $$$x$$$, second is when we decrease all elements by $$$y$$$ which is smaller than $$$x$$$. Here, $$$t$$$ is number of occurrences of $$$x$$$ in the array.

$$$ans_{case1} = min(len_{k+1}, x + min(len_k, m_1 + W_{k-1}))$$$
$$$ans_{case2} = min(len_{k+1}, t + y + min(len_k,x + m_1 - y + W_{k-1})) $$$

Now, let's analyze the second term in case 2. In one case, it will become, $$$ t + y + len_k$$$, we know that $$$t+ len_k = len_{k+1}$$$, so it will become, $$$ y + len_{k+1}$$$, which is worse than $$$len_{k+1}$$$. And in the other case, it will become $$$ x + m_1 + W_{k-1} + t$$$ which is worse then second term in case 1, i.e. $$$ x + m_1 + W_{k-1}$$$.

So, we can see that $$$ans_{case1}$$$ is always better than $$$ans_{case2}$$$.

So, we can finally conclude that it is always better to either decrease all terms by $$$a_m$$$ or not decrease at all.

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Автор parveen1981, история, 3 года назад, По-английски

In the editorial of this problem, Can someone please tell me how do we arrive at the these equations and what are pos, x, y?

$$$ \begin{cases} pos \equiv x \pmod n \\ pos \equiv y \pmod m \end{cases} $$$

Thanks in advance.

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Автор parveen1981, история, 3 года назад, По-английски

If there are any blogs that I have missed, please tell in the comment section. Thank you.

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Автор parveen1981, история, 4 года назад, По-английски

Hi guys,
I was solving this problem and I came up with somewhat wrong solution. Although my solution was wrong but I came up with new data structure. I don't know if you know this but here it is.
At first, I want to describe what I wanted to do and for what:
1. We are given a linked list in which nodes are numbered from $$$1$$$ to $$$n$$$ and they are all connected ( 1-2-3-4-...-n).
2. I wanted to remove some nodes whenever I want in $$$O(1)$$$.

So we can maintain two arrays here: $$$next$$$ and $$$prev$$$. $$$next[i]$$$ will tell us the next node which $$$i$$$ is connected to and $$$prev[i]$$$ will tell us the previous node which $$$i$$$ is connected to.
So, initially we will have $$$next[i]=i+1$$$ and $$$prev[i]=i-1$$$
Now, to remove some node, we can do the following:
So this is the basic remove operation and you can customize it however you like.


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Автор parveen1981, история, 4 года назад, По-английски

I was learning about maximum matching in bipartite graphs but I can't understand one thing i.e. augmenting path always has one extra matching edge.
Link: Hopcroft Karp Algorithm Geeks for Geeks
Can someone please help me with this
Thank you in advance.

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